The Daily Ditz

This Ditz's daily off the wall opinions and observations.

  • I suck at playing cars.
  • My daughter is going to make some man very miserable one day.
  • Why do the people who make shoes, specifically flip-flops make them so narrow?  Whose foot are they modeling?
  • Today, Luke found two dollars and informed me, "Finders, stealers!"  What?  What kind of cleptomaniacs am I raising?
  • I have an unhealthy obsession with Kate Middleton.  Does anyone else find her completely fascinating? 
  • The Daily Ditz has not exactly been daily.  I will work on it. 
  • Did you know that toot is the Spanish word for fart?  Just ask my son.
  • I just finished Sons of Anarachy, Season 1 and I LOVE it.  A must see.  I couldn't wait to watch Season 2 disc by disc through Netflix, so I splurged today.  I can't wait until the kids go to bed tonight!  It's that good. 
  • Today, Luke is pretending to be a teenager.  I'm not sure how he knows what a teenager is, but I told him they are super good listeners and help their mommies all the time.  HA!
  • 2 - number of times Barney Frank visibly rolled his eyes during the State of the Union. 
  • Gabrielle Giffords has perfect eyebrows.
  • It's a couple weeks late, but did you see NKOTB on New Year's Eve?  Awesomeness!!!!
  • Today I saw two cows kissing.  Really.
  • Luke was very easy to potty train, but he has such bad aim that there is CONSTANTLY urine all over the toilet.  It lingers and smells where the lid connects to the bowl.  So, I have taken a stand and removed the toilet seat.  Take that, Luke.
  • Dear super loud Mom at Chic-Fil-A, Please do not audio assault the entire restaurant with your struggle to lose weight and then send your five year old to fetch you a Dr. Pepper.  "And make sure it's not diet!"  she added.
  • Stephen Tyler and Jennifer Lopez are soooo good on American Idol.  I might have to write about it.


  1. love ALL of these - esp the one about Luke being a teenager.

  2. Thanks, Kristen! I love your feedback!
