April 15, 2011

Crazy T Ball Mom

When I was about 10, my family went to visit our Russian/Rusyn relatives in Connecticut.  My Great Aunt Helen was always so kind to me and I enjoyed being around her so much.  However, it is important to note that my Great Aunt Helen was also one of the loudest people I have ever known.

As a kid, I found her wonderful and exciting, but she was completely embarrassing in public because anyone within 20 feet of us could always hear our entire conversation.  No topic seemed sacred or required any type of hushed voice.  On the previously mentioned trip to New England, Aunt Helen was so incredibly cool, she took me to Bloomingdale's.  OMG.

I thought I was so chic to have been to Bloomingdale's that I bored the crap out of my friends talking about it back in Kentucky.  I'm pretty sure I kept the shopping bag for a year.  However, in Bloomingdale's I was so trying to be cool and there was Aunt Helen, voice at 872 decibels asking if I needed new underwear. 

Somewhere between 1991 and 2011, I have become my Aunt Helen. 

This week, I heard myself shouting and cheering at t ball practice.  "Luke!!  Drop the bat and run to first base!!!!"  Ummmm.....he's four.  Jon had to give me the stink eye.  It was practice.  It wasn't even a game and I just couldn't help but cheer for every kid. 

I am sooooo going to be the most embarrassing mom ever. 

My filter gets weaker and weaker every day.  Does anyone want to share gory details of labor and delivery?  Count me in!  Are we at a formal function in this scenario?  Who cares!?!  Let's talk afterbirth!

I'd say about 75% of what I think comes flying out of my mouth.  Is it just age?  Having children?  Confidence in myself and my ideas?  Loneliness from talking to small children most of the day? 

Have any of you guys noticed an increase in what you say in public? 

Whatever it is, I will never be accused of being a wallflower. 

Neither would Aunt Helen. 


  1. I don't think anyone was ever going to accuse you of being a wallflower! I have constant verbal vomit, so I don't even know what you mean when you talk about that there should be a filter of what you talk about. At least you can claim it's genetic.

  2. It's true, you also lack a filter so at least I am in good company. Although, I don't think we are missing something as much as we have a very high embarassment threshold.

  3. Yes, but look how fun you both are to be around! As a sometimes wallflower, we grow to appreciate folk like you guys to make the situation less boring. See, always a silver lining (:

    That's not to say your Aunt Helen wouldn't have embarrassed the heck out of me and gotten a few stares.

  4. Danielle, you would have been mortified! She was really wonderful and generous.....just loud!

  5. This is from my dear friend Kristen who is having trouble with posting:-)

    So funny, Steph! I love your honesty, it's refreshing. I, too, tend to say whatever's on my mind. I would like to think I have actually gotten better about it since being married to Matt as he is quite the opposite. I blame mine in growing up in a household with 3 sisters plus my mom, so my dad was outnumbered and no topic was ever off-limits. I do worry about that going to France because they are quite the opposite, so I'm hoping my filter kicks into high gear, as well as kicking my volume level down to match theirs. We shall see
