March 29, 2011

The Pick-Up Trophy

My husband is a genius. 

Our almost four year old despises picking up his toys.  I mean, I understand no one likes to clean, but this has become a problem.  Lots of tears, lots of punishments, lots of tripping on cars and Transformers.

After a particularly unpleasant afternoon, Jon came up with the idea to award 'The Pick-Up Trophy' to whoever picks up the most toys. 

I had my doubts as to how this would play out, but I had seriously underestimated my son's competitive nature.  Apparently he will do pretty much anything for a trophy and bragging rights over his sister. 

All I have to say is, "Who wants to win the pick up trophy?" and he actually comes running, scouring the room for toys to pick up.  (Sorry to be blatantly sexist, but he is SUCH a guy.)  I am constantly debating the whole nature vs. nurture thing with the kids and this is definitely a point for nature. 

The actual trophy is some military award that Jon won for marching the fastest or something (I can't imagine where Luke gets his competitiveness), but you could use whatever you have in your house.  The rule is whoever wins the pick up trophy gets to display it in their room until it is time to pick up again when the contest starts over.   

Brilliant idea, hubs.  Thank you. 
Luke proudly displaying his trophy.

March 11, 2011

Allie's New Words

My baby girl is now officially 18 months old!  During the past few months her vocabulary has exploded! 

With my first child, I taught him the word for EVERYTHING.  Poor Allie has had to learn most of it on her own.  Of course, Jon actually recently called her 'motormouth' because she rarely stops talking, so I don't think she is suffering from my lack of hovering. 

Some of my new favorite words of hers are Transformers, Autobot, thanks you, I get you!, and sheeps.  I guess having an older brother is influencing her vocabulary.  

My favorite though, is "I ov oooo!"

I ov ooo too Alliegator. 

March 07, 2011

Where is my iPod?

Fact:  Once you have children, they begin to hide, steal and misplace your favorite and/or most necessary things.

Going to the recycling center is super fun because..... I always find something at the bottom of the bin.  Today, it was the bottle of ketchup that I KNEW I bought and swore it was left at the checkout.  It was on my receipt, but no ketchup.  Alas, two weeks later, as I get to the bottom of the bin, there lies a giant, unopened, family sized bottle of Heinz. 

There were also two princess blocks and a hair clip.  BUT, my favorite recycling bin find was several months ago when I discovered the thermometer.  Yes, the same thermometer I use to check my children's temperature had gone missing and was found floating in the sticky mess that accompanies the bottom of the bin.  You know, left over soda drops and random bits of cardboard. 

So, this brings me to my current problem.  My iPod was last seen approximately four weeks ago.  Allie was using it to call Elmo, and I have never seen it again.  Since, I actually need it for work, this is a problem.  I have run out of places to look.  All toy boxes have been emptied, all couch cushions overturned, and no iPod. 

I guess it in the same place as the dozen sets of nail clippers I have purchased over the past 10 years. I will let you guys know if I ever find it, but I am starting the think it may have ended up in the trash can. 

March 05, 2011

Thank You, Reader

Dear Reader,

I am sorry it has been a couple weeks since my last post.  We have been traveling and I can't seem to get on top of things after the trip.  You know, laundry, groceries, putting Transformers's all very time consuming. 

I did want to thank my 27 'followers'  for reading this blog.  Can you believe I have had nearly 2000 views?  Well, it's no 'The Facebook', but I'm pleased with it.  The power of the Internet never ceases to amaze me.